Title: 영광의 재인 / Youngkwangeui Jaein
Also known as: Young Kwang's Jae In / Glory Jane
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-12 to 2011-Dec-28
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Subtitles: English (by DarkSmurf CTS)
There is an old proverb saying, "An evil may sometimes turn
out to be a blessing in disguise.” It means tragedy could bring a
reversal at the end. Just like the case of ugly duckling, which turned
out to be a beautiful swan, there are always ups and downs in life and
everything just goes through after all… This drama brings you the story
of Jae-in and Young-gwang. Warm-hearted Yoon Jae-in is a cheery, bright
girl who always maintains a positive attitude despite her poor
background. Kim Younggwang, former 4th hitter of the major league team,
now a minor leaguer, is an innocently confident man who never stops
trying his best to re-live past glories. This drama will show you how
these young adults deal with life’s hardship and grow older to achieve
their dreams.