Title : Dream High Season 2 (K-drama) Complete
Alternative Title(s) : Deurim Hai 2 , 드림하이 2
Hardsubbed or Softsubbed: Softsubbed
English Subtitles: Yes
Fansub: DarkSmurfSub
Number of Episodes: 16
Date Aired (YYYY-MM-DD): January 30, 2012
More Info: http://asianmediawiki.com/Dream_High_2
Kirin High School of Art has been taken over by Oz Entertainment
because of financial bankruptcy. Oz Entertainment then transfers over
its own idol stars to Kirin High to avoid a law requiring under age
entertainers to study for a set time. Competition then brews between
troubled students at Kirin High School of Art and then newly transfered
idols from Oz Entertainment.
Shin Hae-Sung (Kang So-Ra) enters Kirin High School of Art with a high
written exam score, but poor performance scores. She then meets fellow
students Jin Yoo-Jin (Jinwoon) and JB (JB), who makes her realize how
fun music can be. Jin Yoo-Jin acted when he was a young child. Now, he
is a troubled student dreaming of becoming a rock star. He attempts to
cure his pain caused by his parent’s divorce through music
Episode 16: part1 | part2 | DOWNLOAD
Subtitled English: DOWNLOAD
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